Christmas Books Coming!
Do you love Christmas stories as much as I do? They’re almost as good as Hallmark movies, right? Even better? I have to agree!
In that case, you’re in luck! I’ve got two Christmas novellas coming out very soon. The first is A Match Made at Christmas, set in Arizona Territory in 1895. I’ve taken the story of how Lowell Observatory, the astronomical observation facility where Pluto was discovered, came to be built in Arizona and fictionalized it as well as the town (which is Flagstaff in real life) that it was built in. The story follows Deborah Hunter, the daughter of a logger, and Jacob Bryers, a young astronomer who is working under Carl Remington, a Bostonian entrepreneur, to determine the best location for the new observatory that Mr. Remington wants to erect. The problem is, some of the townspeople don’t want the observatory to go up. Not only that, but Jacob’s widowed sister has just died, leaving her nine-month-old son an orphan. When Deborah is called on to help Jacob care for the boy, a marriage of convenience results. Can they fall in love with each other before Christmas?
Here is the cover:
A Match Made at Christmas will be available this coming Thursday, November 15th on Amazon. I’ll put up a link for it here when it goes live!
Another book I’m working on is called Natalie’s Surprise Engagement. This novella is part of The Belles of Wyoming multi-author series, which will consist of 5 books. These books will come out, one right after the other, starting on December 1st and running through December 5th. Bells play a special role in this series, not only for belles (b-e-l-l-e-s) as in young, unattached females but bells (b-e-l-l-s) as in Christmas bells. In Natalie’s Surprise Engagement, Natalie is the daughter of a newspaper owner who also writes the society column. When her fiance jilts her just before they’re ready to announcement their engagement at a party, Cole Shepherd steps in. Then the set of bells that are a special part of the town’s history go missing, she and Cole must locate them.
Sound exciting? Here’s the cover:
Again, this novella doesn’t have an Amazon link yet, but I will include it here when I have it. For now, though, there’s a fun Facebook launch party that is happening for this series this coming Sunday, November 18th, at 6 EST. Please join us for fun and games and, of course, giveaways!
Here is the link for the launch party: Belles of Wyoming Launch Party