- Belles, clean fiction, finding love in the Old West, Old West, prairie life, Short Stories, summer stories, sweet love stories, true love, Western historical romance, Wild West, Wyoming, YA books
The Belles of Wyoming Summer Collection II
For the second half of September, we have 1o more Belles of Wyoming books coming your way! At this point, I’ve read several of them, and I have to say, this is a fabulous collection! These authors are so talented, I keep wondering how in the world they come up with such intricate plots. Wow! Which one has been your favorite so far? Which one(s) of these below look enticing to you? All of them, you say? Wonderful! Grab a book or two and immerse yourself in the nostalgic town of Belle. Summer’s Love by Patricia PacJac Carroll Summer Vance finds injured animals and brings them home to her…
- Belles, clean fiction, Old West, prairie life, Short Stories, summer stories, sweet love stories, true love, Western historical romance, Wild West, Wyoming
Belles of Wyoming Summer Collection
Hi! I’m so glad you are joining me today! As I mentioned before, two of my books, In the Nick of Time and Daring to Love Again, will be part of the Belles of Wyoming summer collection. This collection of stories from several different authors takes place in summer, and most of them end with a barn raising for Rosalie and Marin Davis, two newlyweds in the town of Belle. However, each book is a standalone. Readers will get glimpses of other people in town, but the books themselves can be read in any order. We have 20 novellas releasing throughout the month of September 2019, Monday – Friday of…
- Belles, finding love in the Old West, Short Stories, summer stories, sweet love stories, true love, Western historical romance, Wyoming
Two New Stories for You!
While reading a series, have you ever wished you could just reading straight through books 1, 2, 3, etc. without stopping or having to wait for the next installment? Well, that is how the Belles of Wyoming multi-author series is designed. In the past, the other authors in the series and I have released 5 books back-to-back in a week’s time so that readers have five new stories to read. And even though they are shorter stories, readers have really enjoyed them. Well, I’ve got some awesome news to share with you. We have opened the summer collection to several new authors (but probably not new to you), and in…